cheap cpanel web hosting

Fantastico F3: cPanel Hosting from $3.95 

  Installs over 600 scripts !

cheap cpanel Fantastico hosting - cpanel hosting with cpanel, with multiple or unlimited domains


Fantastico F3
Installs Over 600 Scripts

Fantastico F3 is an amazing cPanel/PHP based Web application. It integrates with cPanel and gives you and your clients the ability to automagically install below listed popular Open Source Applications. With Fantastico the installation procedure of all of the following scripts takes only seconds and can be performed by novices without the need of setting up MySQL databases, importing structure, chmoding files and without the need of other tasks usually associated with installations:

At the bottom of this page you find the Complete List of Scripts.

Discussion Boards:
phpBB2 (visit site)
   - very popular "forums" or "message board" solution
SMF (visit site)
   - another popular choice for a full featured "forums" or "bulletin

PHP-Nuke (visit site)
   - a powerful portal solution with many modules, blocks and
   addons available

phpWCMS (visit site)
   - a CMS system
phpWebSite (visit site)
   - a CMS portal site with many modules and addons available
Mambo (visit site)
   - a dynamic web content management system (CMS), capable of
   building sites from several pages to several thousand

Siteframe (visit site)
Typo3 (visit site)
   - a Web content management framework
TikiWiki CMS/Groupware (visit site)
   - Tiki features a Wiki, Image galleries, File galleries, Forums,
    Polls, Chat, RSS feeds, Articles, Submissions, Weblogs,
    Webmail, Surveys, Trackers, Newsletters and more. Themes
    can be created using CSS. Everything is customizable
Xoops (visit site)
   - a CMS portal site with many modules and addons available
Drupal (visit site)
Joomla! (visit site)
   - a Content Management System (CMS) created by the same
   team that brought the Mambo CMS to its current state of stardom

Geeklog (visit site)
Zircula (visit site)
   - another CMS that allows you to rapidly build websites for
   any application including all forms of content management

NOTE: In addtion, our cPanel Pro plans also come with "Interchange" and "Agora" shopping carts.
CubeCart (visit site)
   - a popular shopping cart system
osCommerce (visit site)
   - a powerful highly configurable eCommerce shopping cart solution
ZenCart (visit site)
   - another user-friendly open source shopping cart system

Customer Support Systems:
PHP Support Tickets (visit site)
   - powerful Support Ticketing System to help you help your visitors
Support-Logic Helpdesk
Support Services Manager
   - a powerful system for providing your visitors and clients with
    support services

osTicket (visit site)
Crafty Syntax Live Help (CSLH) (visit site)
Help Center Live (visit site)

(visit site)
   - a database-driven application for creating and maintaining
   Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

b2evolution (visit site)
Nucleus (visit site)
WordPress (visit site)
   - the most popular blogging software script there is

Image Galleries:
4images Gallery (visit site)
   - your own online photo gallery
Gallery (visit site)
   - probably the most popular image gallery script
Coppermine Photo Gallery (visit site)
   - a feature-rich photo gallery script with MySQL database, user
   management, private galleries, automatic thumbnail creation,
   film strip, and a template system for customization

Website Builder:
Templates Express
   - a series of static templates which can be installed to start building
   a website even if you do not want to learn how to manage a CMS

Soholaunch Pro Edition (visit site)
   - commercial template system

Polls and Surveys:
Advanced Poll (visit site)
   - polling system with multiple polls, templates, IP-Logging,
   IP-Locking, cookie support, etc.
phpESP (visit site)
   - a PHP/MySQL-driven application to let non-technical users
   create surveys

LimeSurvey (visit site)
   - surveying tool that allows you to develop, publish, manage

Mailing List:
PHPlist (visit site)
NOTE: Our plans ALSO come with "Mailman" - an even better mailing list program!

PhpWiki (visit site)
   - a PHP clone of WikiWikiWeb, a web site system where anybody
    can edit the pages right through the web browser, without any

Project Management:
   - a project managing system for tasks and groups

Other Scripts:
Moodle (visit site)
   - Moodle is a course management system designed to help
    educators create quality online courses

Noah's Classifieds (visit site)
   - run your own Classified ads website!
OpenX (visit site)
   - advertising script and service website
   - Dew-Code is a resource for aspiring coders - a search engine,
   web directory, link exchange open source php script

Open-Realty (visit site)
   - professional but free tool for real estate agents to put their
    offers online

   - host your own auctions site!
phpCOIN (visit site)
   - phpCOIN is a PHP/MySQL based package for hosting resellers
   to manage clients, orders, invoices, etc. phpCOIN supports
   "pay links" as the method of billing, and permits returning client
   purchases, secure client/admin login, permits client access to
   own information (view / print), eMail notifications (template based),
   auto-send of due invoices, auto-generate recurring invoices,
   language file support, and theme support. Includes following
   modules: Articles, Contact forms, FAQ, HelpDesk, Custom
   Content Pages, and Search Site function.

AccountLab Plus (visit site)
   - a commercial Netenberg script for Hosting providers
phpFormGenerator (visit site)
WebCalendar (visit site)
   - a PHP application used to maintain a calendar for one or more

... and hundreds of other scripts!!!

With Fantastico F3 you can
- install in the main directory, in addon domains and in subdomains
- create Features Sets so different users have different set of available scripts
- translate the English language file and give your clients auto-installation in their own language
- get notifications when users install/remove applications
- have a complete overview over the installations performed by your users


Live Demo:

Click on "Fantastico" icon after having logged in, SOFTWARE section.

Watch the Fantastico Flash Tutorial—bottom of this page!

cPanel Basic
$5 .95 per month
  » 10 GB Web Space
  » 20 GB Bandwidth
  » 1 Domain
  » Linux Hosting
  » 20 Email Accounts
  » 10 MySQL databases
  » cPanel
  » Softaculous + Fantastico
  » PHP 5.6, 7.x, 8.x
  » MariaDB 10 (MySQL 5.7)
  » CGI
More information...
      Server location:
Hosting: USA
Hosting: Europe


$14 .95 per month
  » 50 GB Web Space
  » 70 GB Bandwidth
  » 6 Domains
  » Linux Hosting
  » Unlimited Email Accounts
  » Unlimited MySQL DBs
  » cPanel / WHM
  » Softaculous + Fantastico
  » PHP 5.6, 7.x, 8.x
  » MariaDB 10 (MySQL 5.7)
  » CGI
More information...
      Server location:
Hosting: USA
Hosting: Europe


Fantastico F3
now installs
over 600 scripts!

Sign up with us for hosting, and you will have BOTH: Fantastico and Softaculous, AND we will transfer your existing hosting accounts with all content and installed scripts (for free) to one of our cPanel servers.
> Single Domain Plans
> Reseller Plans
> cPanel Master
> Dedicated Server


                  Fantastico Flash Tutorial:

FULL LIST of Scripts Fantastico Can Install:

1  4images
2  99koCMS
3  Aardvark Topsites PHP
4  AbanteCart
5  Achievo
6  AdaptCMS
7  Admidio
8  Adminer
9  Advanced Electron Forum
10 Advanced Guestbook
11 Advanced Poll
12 AfterLogic WebMail Lite
13 Agora-Project
14 AJAX Chat
15 AjaXplorer
16 AlegroCart
17 Almond Classifieds
18 Alto CMS
19 Ampache
20 AmpJuke
21 AnantasoftGazelleCMS
22 Anchor CMS
23 Anego-CMS
24 Angora Guestbook
25 Anuko Time Tracker
26 appRain
27 Arastta
28 Ardguest
29 arfooo Directory
30 AroundMe
31 Article Free Reprintables
32 Article Setup
33 aRtiphp
34 AShop
35 AtomJump Loop
36 AtomPhotoBlog
37 ATutor
38 AutoCMS
39 avactis
40 Axiscommerce
41 AzDGDatingMedium
42 b2evolution
43 Backdrop CMS
44 BaleroCMS
45 BananaDance
47 BBClone
48 bbPress
49 Beatz - Pure Volume Clone
50 BEdita
51 Beehive Forum
52 BellaBook
54 BigDump
56 bitweaver
57 BlaB
58 BlackCat CMS
59 Bloly Blog
60 bloofoxCMS
61 Bludit
62 boastMachine
63 Bolt
64 BoltWire
65 Booked
66 Booot
67 Borno CMS
68 Brim
69 Brushtail
70 BuddyPress
71 Bugs
72 Burden
73 CakePHP
74 Cart Engine
75 CcMail
77 CF Image Host
78 Chamilo
79 CheveretoFree
80 Chipmunk Poll
81 Chive
82 Chyrp
83 CitrusDB
84 CitusCMS
85 CJ Domain Whois
87 Claroline
88 Clientexec
90 ClipperCMS
91 cloudRealms
92 CMSimple
93 CMSimple Classic
94 CMSimpleRealBlog
95 CMS Made Simple
96 CodeIgniter
97 Codiad
98 Collabtive
99 Commentics
100 CompactCMS
101 concrete5
102 Contao
104 Coordino
105 Coppermine Photo Gallery
106 CORY Classified Ads
107 Cory Dating script
108 Cory Jobs Search
109 Cory Real Estate
110 CORY Support
111 Cory World Site
112 Cotonti
114 Croogo
115 CS-Cart
116 CubeCart
117 CumulusClips
118 cunity
119 CuteNews
120 CWIS
121 DaDaBIK
123 DayCare Facility Management Tool
124 DBHcms
125 DbNinja
126 DClassifieds
127 Delightful Labor
128 deVILzClanportal
129 Dew-NewPHPLinks
130 Directus
131 DITALabs
132 dojo
133 DokuWiki
134 Dolibarr
135 Dolphin
136 doorGets CMS
137 Dorncms
138 dotclear
139 dotProject
140 Dove Forums
141 Drupal :: 6
142 Drupal :: 7
143 Drupal :: 8
144 dubsite
145 DynPage
146 dynpg
147 e107
148 Easy Banner
149 ecoCMS
150 eduTrac
151 eFront
152 eggblog
153 Egglue Semantic CAPTCHA
154 EGroupware
155 Elgg
156 Elite Bulletin Board
157 EliteCMS
158 ElkArte
159 els PHP Web Quiz
160 Elxis CMS
161 eoCMS
163 EQDKP Plus
164 EscherCMS
165 Espo CRM
166 eSyndiCat
167 etano
168 Etomite
169 Eventum
170 exponentcms
171 ExpressionEngine
172 eXtplorer
173 EZPXphotoblog
174 ezStats
175 F3Site 2011
176 Family Connections
177 FAQMasterFlex
178 Faveo
180 feindura
181 feng Office
182 FestOS
184 Fiyo CMS
185 Flat Calendar
186 FlatNuke
187 Flatnux CMS
188 FlatPress
189 Flight Feather
190 FluxBB
191 Flyspray
192 Fork CMS
193 forma lms
195 Free Arcade Script
196 Free CMS
197 Free PHP VX Guestbook
198 friendica
200 FrontAccounting
201 Froxlor
202 fruml
203 FUDforum
204 FuelPHP
205 FusionInvoice
206 FuzzyLime
207 Gallery :: 3
208 Gallery :: 2
209 Geeklog
210 gelatocms
211 Genosis
212 GetSimpleCMS
213 Gibbon
214 Gleez CMS
215 glFusion
216 Glossword
217 GLPI
218 GNU social
219 GoCart
220 gpEasy
221 GPix
222 GRA4 Micro
223 Grav
224 Gregarius
225 Group Office
226 Guppy
228 Hablator
229 Havalite
230 helios calendar
231 Help Center Live
232 HelpDeskZ
233 HelpDEZk
234 Hero Framework
235 HESK
236 HorizonQCMS
237 HotaruCMS
238 HTML Purifier
239 HTMLy
240 HumHub
241 Hycus CMS
242 iCE Hrm
243 Icy Pheonix
244 IDSlot
245 iGalerie
247 Impleo
248 impresscms
251 InfiniteWP
252 integria IMS
253 InterPhoto Image Gallery
254 Invision Power File Manager
255 Invoice Ninja
256 InvoicePlane
257 ionize
258 iPeer
259 iQDesk
260 ITLPoll
261 itop
262 iWare
263 ja2bu
265 Jamit Job Board
267 Jaws
268 Jcow
269 Jisko
270 jobberBase
271 Jojo
272 joobsbox
273 Joomla :: 2
274 Joomla :: 3
275 Joostina
276 Jorani
277 jQuery
278 Jumpstart CMS
279 KaiBB
280 Kajona
281 Kanboard
282 Kemana
283 Kimai
284 kirby
285 Kliqqi
286 Kloudspeaker
287 Known
288 Kohana
289 Koken
290 Kopage
291 kPlaylist
292 KrisonAV
293 KTG
294 Layer Bulletin
295 Lazarus Guestbook
297 LetoDMS
298 LetoDMS :: 3.3
299 LetoDMS :: 3.4
300 LifeType
301 LightNEasy
302 LightNEasyMini
303 Lilina
304 lilURL
305 LimeSurvey
306 limny
307 Limpid Browser
308 Linfo
309 Litecart
310 LiteCommerce
311 Lite Publisher
312 Littlepoll
313 Little Software Stats
314 Live helper chat
315 liveSite
316 LiveStreet CMS
317 LmntCMS
318 LnBlog
319 LoadAvg
320 Loaded Commerce
321 log1 CMS
322 Logaholic Web Analytics
323 LogicInvoice
324 LotusCMS
325 LuxCal
326 Lychee
327 Macs CMS
328 Magento
329 Magento :: 2
330 Mahara
336 Mallmold
337 Mambo
338 Manhali
339 MantisBT
340 Matterdaddy Market
341 Mautic
342 MAXdev
343 MediaWiki
344 MGB OpenSource Guestbook
345 MiaCMS
346 Mibew Web Messenger
347 Microweber
348 miniBB
349 Minima CMS
350 modified
351 MODX Revolution
352 Mollify
355 Moodle :: 23
356 Moodle :: 24
357 Moodle :: 25
358 Moodle :: 26
359 Moodle :: 27
360 Moodle :: 28
361 Moodle :: 29
362 Moodle :: 30
363 Moodle :: 31
364 Moodle :: 32
366 MyBB
367 my little forum
368 MyOWNSpace
369 MyT
370 MyWebSQL
371 NanoCMS
372 Navigate CMS
373 NedChat
375 Nette
376 New - PHPLinks
377 NewsBlocks
378 Nextcloud
379 Next CMS
380 Nibbleblog
381 Novius OS
382 Nucleus CMS
383 nuggetz
384 Nuked-Klan
385 NukeEvolution
386 NukeViet
387 ocPortal
388 October
389 OmegaBB
390 Omeka
391 OneCMS
392 OneFileCMS
393 Onpub
394 Open Auto Classifieds
395 OpenBiblio
396 Open-Blog
397 OpenCart
398 Open Classifieds
399 Open Conference Systems
400 OpenDocMan
401 Open eShop
402 Open Journal Systems
403 Open Monograph Press
404 OpenNewsletter
405 OpenRatCMS
406 Open Real Estate
407 Open Source Point of Sale
408 Open Source Social Network
409 Open Web Analytics
410 OpenX
411 OrangeHRM
412 Orbit Open Ad Server
413 osclass
414 osCmax
415 oscommerce
416 osTicket
417 ownCloud
418 OXIDeShop
419 Oxwall
420 OxyClassifieds
421 Pacer Edition CMS
422 PageCookery
423 Pagekit
424 Parsimony
426 PBBoard
427 Peardrop CMS
428 PEEL
429 PeoplePods
430 pH7SocialDatingCMS
431 Phenotype CMS
432 Phire CMS
434 PHP Address Book
435 PHPads
436 phpAlbum
437 PHPBack
438 phpBB
439 PHP-Calendar
441 phpCOIN
442 phpCollab
443 PHPCrawl
444 PhpDig
445 phpDocumentor
446 php Easy Survey Package
447 phpEnter
448 PHP File Manager
449 PHPfileNavigator
450 phpFK
451 phpFormGenerator
454 PHP Gallery
455 PhpGedView
456 phpGraphy
457 phpGroupWare
458 PHP Guestbook
459 PHP iCalendar
460 phpList
461 phpLiteAdmin
462 PHP Login Script
463 PHPMailer
464 PHPmotion
465 phpMyAdmin
466 phpMyBackupPro
467 phpMychat
468 phpMyFAQ
469 PhpMyLogon
470 phpMySport
471 phpMyVisites
472 PHP Newsletter
473 PHP nuke
474 PHP Password Manager
475 PHP Photo Gallery
476 PHP QR Code
477 phpQuery
478 PHP Quick Arcade
479 PHProjekt
480 phpScheduleIt
481 PHP Server Monitor
482 phpSQLiteCMS
483 PhpSysInfo
484 phpwcms
485 phpWebSite
486 PHP Weby Directory
487 PhpWiki
488 phpX
489 PICO
490 Pimcore
491 PivotX
492 Piwigo
494 pixelpost
495 PiXie
496 Pligg CMS
498 pluck
499 PluXml
500 PmWiki
501 Podcast Generator
502 PopojiCMS
503 Poptask
504 Postfix Admin
505 Poweradmin
506 Prado
507 pragmaMx
508 Precurio
510 Primitive CMS
511 ProcessWire
512 ProjectPier
513 ProjectSend
514 Pulse CMS
515 PunBB
517 Pydio
519 qdPM
520 qEngine
521 Question2Answer
522 QuickAppsCMS
523 QuickCart
524 QuickCMS
525 RainLoop Webmail
526 Ramui webblog
527 Raphael
528 razorCMSPhoenix
529 recaptcha
531 Redaxscript
532 ReOS
533 Revive Ad Server
534 RhinOS
535 RiteCMS
536 Rnews
537 roundcube
538 Rukovoditel
539 Run CMS
540 ruubikCMS
541 S40 CMS
542 Saba
543 Sabros
544 Sales Syntax
545 SaltOs
546 saurus CMS
547 schlix
548 scriptaculous
549 Seagull
550 section-cms
551 selfoss
552 SemanticScuttle
553 SEOBoard
554 Seo Panel
556 SeoToaster CMS
557 SePortal
558 serendipity
559 Shadows Rising
560 Sharetronix
561 Shop-Script 5
562 Shop-Script 6
563 Shopware
564 Shutter
565 SIDU
566 Silex
567 SilverStripe
568 Simple Articles
569 SimpleHTMLDOM
570 Simple Invoices
571 Simple Machines Forum
572 Simple PHP Blog
573 Simple PHP Poll
574 SimplePie
575 SiteBar
576 Sitemagic CMS
577 Sketch
578 SkyBlueCMS
579 smarty
580 sNews
581 Snowfox
582 Social Bookmarking Script
583 SO Planning
584 SpamBoard
585 SPIP
586 Spitfire
587 SQL Buddy
588 SQLiteManager
589 SquirrelMail
590 Stash CMS
591 STATUSnet
592 storytlr
593 Subrion CMS
594 Sugar CRM
595 suite CRM
596 SuperCali
597 Support Incident Tracker
598 SVNManager
599 Sweet Rice
600 Symfony
601 Symphony
602 Syndeo CMS
603 synTypeCMS
604 TangoCMS
605 TartagalFlog
606 TaskFreak
607 TCExam
608 TemplateCMS
609 Tentacle CMS
610 Textpattern
611 The Bug Genie
612 TheHostingTool
613 Thelia
614 TheoCMS
615 Tiki Wiki CMS Groupware
616 TinyTinyRSS
617 TinyWebGallery
618 todoyu
619 tomatoCart
620 Tomato CMS
621 Tomato Gallery
622 Traq
623 Trellis Desk
625 TrioEditorCMS
626 Typesetter
627 TYPO3 :: 4.5 LTS
628 TYPO3 :: 4.7
629 TYPO3 :: 6.0
630 TYPO3 :: 6.1
631 TYPO3 :: 6.2
632 TYPO3 :: 7.0
633 u-Auctions
634 Ultra Sitebuilder
635 UseBB
636 VamCart
637 Vanilla
638 Vesthelm
639 ViArt
640 ViArt CMS
641 ViArt Helpdesk
642 videoDB
643 Vidiscript
644 Vieris
645 Viscacha
646 Voodoo Chat
647 VtigerCRM
648 Vue.js
649 wallabag
650 wdCalendar
651 web2Project
652 Webasyst
653 Webasyst Blog
654 Webasyst Photos
655 WebCalendar
656 WebCards
657 WebCollab
658 webERP
659 webessence
660 WebfolioCMS
661 WeBid
662 WebJaxe
663 Webmatic
664 Webmedia
665 Web Pro Manager
666 WebsiteBaker
667 webSPELL
668 webTareas
669 webtrees
670 WikkaWiki
671 Windu
672 WinterBreath
674 Wolf CMS
675 WonderCMS
676 WordPress
677 wQuiz
678 WronnayCMS
679 X2CRM
680 X7 Chat
681 XCart
682 XCloner
683 xEpan
684 XMB eXtreme Message Board
685 XMS
687 Xpress Engine
688 YetiForce
690 ZAPms
691 Zenario
692 Zenbership
693 Zen Cart
694 Zend Framework
695 Zenphoto
696 ZenTaoPMS
697 Zeuscart
698 Zikula
699 Zimplit
700 Zoph
701 Zurmo





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